Chad Balster's Survey:
How did you first hear about the LAVA House? What led to you
going there?
***i worked with bart at glassworks. i went there for some fire spinning gigs in the back courtyard. i needed an art space for storage and fabrication.
Where were you were before you had space at the LAVA House?
***i was living in st james court in old louisivlle. seattle, washington/minnesota before that.
What were the dates when you began and ended your time at the LAVA house?
***moved in the house oct 04. moved in with gretchen 05. still continued to visit and use space for storage or light pyrotechnics
What did you do during your time there?
***back courtyard was excellent fire spinning practice space. i used the fireworks space for some beadmaking/glassfusing equipment when it was cold out. I lived next to the kitchen for a year...after aron/hallie and before jeremy becker
What type of art/ music/ activity were you doing?
***fire arts practice, lampworked glass, steel fabrication on burningman projects
In your perspective, what was the mission of the Louisville Assembly of Vanguard Art?
***a place for unconmmon local artists to gather, create, celebrate and hold down that little cul de sac of shelby parkway.
What was it about?Why did you decide to be a part of the organization/ project?
***i needed an art space for glass storage and fire spinning practice
What are you doing now? What current projects?
***glassworks hotshop artist. burningman participant. OhioValleyCreativeEnergy. Juicy lucy (sustainable experimental hybrid mobile hotrod glassblowing van). The Phoenix Collective (fire arts entertainment troupe)
What are you planning on doing with your future?
...making glass/fire/food/art/fun one thing
Has the LAVA House influenced you at all in what you are
doing in your life now?
***it has connected me with louisville artists in and around Lavahouse. it reminds me that art and community are inseperable.